david keator

David P.G. Keator,

MA, CES, CPFA Managing Director Financial Advisor, RJFS
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

David’s experience in tax-efficient investing, business succession and wealth transfer offers our clients an opportunity to help mitigate their tax liability and potentially increase their returns. Through his knowledge, especially with respect to retirement plans and his extensive experience in investment and estate planning strategies, David strives to give our clients proactive choices in managing their future. David’s investment focus is more blue chip equity oriented with an eye toward picking what he considers to be the dominant company in the sector.

He holds his series 7, 63 and 65 securities registrations, and is licensed to sell insurance and variable annuities. He is a graduate of the institute of Business & Finance where he received his designation as a Certified Estate and Trust Specialist (CES). As a Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor (CPFA) David is distinctly positioned to work with our retirement plan trustees to maximize plan compliance and efficiency.

David is working on a number of practice and client initiatives throughout their clearing firm and is currently serving an appointed position to the Massachusetts Economic Assistance Coordinating Council.

In addition to his duties with the Keator Group, David is a frequent guest of the lecture circuit, offering estate and investment planning seminars to various Fortune 100 companies.

A graduate of Fordham University with a B.A. in Economics, David completed his M.A. from the State University of New York at Albany. After working in the tax planning field in New York City concentrating on high-net-worth individuals and closely held businesses, David moved to Lenox with his wife Joanne, and their two children.

*Raymond James and its advisors do not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. Please contact your tax or legal advisors before taking any action that may have tax or legal consequences.

Raymond James is not affiliated with the above organizations.

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